
From Stay-At-Home Mom to Working Mom

Ever since I can remember I have worked. I was the Type-A love to have responsibility, love to work hard kind of gal. Since my baby came I found myself feeling so overwhelmed with the idea of going back to work and after 12 weeks of maternity leave I knew I could not go back....or at least for the time being. SO I stayed home for a while. I was not sure if we could make it work financially but I decided we would HAVE to make it work AND we did.

I have enjoyed the past year at home with my daughter and as her 1st birthday approaches I am getting ready to return to work. The only way I could imagine "going back" was part-time. Thank goodness I work in a job where I can return part-time. What this means for me is I will work Monday's, Tuesday's and every other Wednesday. This allows me to have some adult time, some "me" time (and not loose my identity as so many moms complain about) and I will still get to be home 4- 5 days a week as a stay-at-home mom in some capacity. :-) So we will see how it goes!